Tuesday, May 27, 2008

New Orleans Day 2

Our first stop this morning was the French Market. Destination: Cafe Du Monde.

Just as Ken swore off KFC, I now swear off Krispy Kremes. Below is the fabulous breakfast I ate at Cafe Du Monde. You can get three beignets for just under two dollars. A beignet is a deep-fried square piece of dough, topped with powdered sugar. But that description doesn't do justice to the beautiful (and filling!) food stuff that is a beignet. With the order of beignets, we also purchased cafe au lait, a mixture of coffee, milk, and chicory.

After eating, we headed over to the water to check out the view of downtown and the cathedral.
This was across the street from the cathedral, near the water.

Ken was looking out at the water in this one. I don't think he's aware that I took it, but I do think he was thinking about home.

Below are two clowns who couldn't stop to chat because they were about to grab some food but were more than happy to pose for a picture. This is my favorite picture from New Orleans so far.

Putting one's arm around a metal statue in the New Orleans heat can result in slightly burnt skin. I wouldn't recommend it.

"Sir, I'm sorry, but I can't buy your wares. As you can plainly see, I have no money."

The flea market is home to dozens of purses, cell phone chargers, porcelain masks, and t-shirts. I was a little beat from the heat today, but I can't wait to go back later and price haggle.

These statues and carvings were all in an interesting kiosk that contained a number of voodoo dolls and other interesting items.

Of course, a tourist destination is not complete without a Margaritaville. We didn't get a chance to eat there today, but the inside looked awesome, and there are gator bites on the menu. (Yes, as in fried pieces of alligator.) I've heard they taste like chicken!
After finishing up at the French Market, Ken and I went to Walmart. Although we enjoyed the good deals and the opportunity to buy food for ourselves, I didn't think you'd be particularly interested in pictures from that excursion.

I just got a text from Ken asking if I want to go check out a DJ who lives in our dormitory hall. Apparently he plays at a club near here. I keep wavering back and forth since I'm picking up everyone from the airport tomorrow and still adjusting to this heat.

During my stay here, I also want to explore the above-ground cemeteries and take one or two of the tours of the city. On Thursday and Friday, I have my AmeriCorps training, and I believe I start work on Monday.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow! I love this blog you've got going here. I can't wait to check in for more. Gay